This is an interview that I conducted with a good friend of mine named Scott Easum. He is a Software Engineering Major and Sophomore here at UTD. I conducted this interview in his apartment living room on March 24, 2011.
(Photo used courtesy of Scott Easum)
GM: Thank you for agreeing to this interview, Scott.
SE: No problem, dude.
GM: Without further ado, let's get into this thing...
GM: Essentially, if I were to ask you what Vitiligo was, would you have any idea what I was talking about?
SE: Only because I know you. So no.
GM: Okay, so then you know that it's the spots on my skin right?
SE: Correct.
GM: What if I told you it was an auto-immune disease, where the pigment pretty much attacks itself, have you ever heard of anything like that before?
SE: Like AIDS?
GM:Yeah, like AIDS in the way that your body is unknowingly hurting itself and there is no known cure, but nowhere near as severe. You can't die from Vitiligo.
SE: Is it transmittable?
GM: No, I don't thinks so. I'm pretty sure it's only hereditary.
SE: So wait then do your parents have it?
GM: No. I'm almost positive I'm like the only person in my family that has the disease. (laughs) Who's interviewing who here?
SE: (laughs) Sorry.
GM: No, it's alright.
GM: Have you ever seen anyone else besides me with this disease?
SE: Not where I knew it was a disease. I knew that they had spots on their skin.
GM: Okay. Well, then before you met me, did you know about this disease at all?
SE: Only for albinos.
GM: So you'd never heard of it through someone like Michael Jackson?
SE: I didn't know he had a disease, I thought he just did plastic surgery.
GM: Well the running thing is apparently he dyed himself white because he had Vitiligo.
GM: Well anyway, I'll cap this off with one more question and I'll let you go.
SE: Okay.
GM: Do you have any strange diseases or things that people don't normally have?
SE: I used to be allergic to like everything, including yeast. I couldn't eat at least 50 different foods.
GM: Really?
SE: Yeah. I also used to have chronic bronchitis.
GM: Okay, well that's all the questions I have for you, so thanks again for your time. And unless you've got any questions for me I figure we'll wrap things up.
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