While dermatologists today seem to have a pretty good grasp on Vitiligo and its symptoms, what causes the onset of Vitiligo is still undetermined, but many researchers and physicians have proposed their own ideas on what the answer could be. One of the most prominent theories is a supposed correlation between stress and the onset/outbreaks of the disease.
One such research experiment conducted by the Dermatological Institute of Italy found that "vulnerability to Vitiligo is not increased by stressful events, except for many uncontrollable events" but that in fact, "insecure attachment and poor social support appear to increase susceptibility"[3]. This means that essentially it isn't the stressful event, but one's ability to recover and the support he receives in this process, which would make those who are struggling to make it on their own the most prominent demographic for a late on set of the disease. Another study, conducted by DR. A.K. Gupta, the Founder Director of Om Vidya Institute of Homeopathy and Allied Medical Sciences, showed that "80% of patients revealed that their white patches increase in numbers and size whenever they are mentally stressed". So this study refutes the some of the information listed in the first article, but it does list that they tested a broad range of subjects, "55% males and 45% were female and patients were of all age groups, the youngest being a 6 year old girl student and the eldest was a 74 year old advocate"[2]. While the patient information is not divulged in the first article, it's hard to say how the two compare in terms of subject broadness.
A page on vitiligosupport.org also had some interesting input, with little mention of normal mental stress on the disease, but that perhaps "traumatic events" in someone's life may "trigger or exacerbate Vitiligo in those who are susceptible, though this has not been substantiated". It should also be noted that "surgery wounds or injuries to the skin have also been known to result in Vitiligo, which can spread." [4].
To take a brief repose from the conventional forms of stress, I found an article from Vitiligo Support International that tells about a different kind of stress that may contribute to the cause of Vitiligo. "Oxidative stress" which is "an over-accumulation of hydrogen peroxide in the skin" that is caused by a lack of the body producing "an enzyme called 'catalase'" that helps break it down into water and oxygen within the skin [4]. Not only could this cause Vitiligo, but Oxidative Stress could have a hand in many afflictions including, "atherosclerosis, Parkinson's disease, heart failure, myocardial infraction, Alzheimer's disease, fragile X syndrome, and chronic fatigue syndrome"[1]. So if you feel you may have Oxidative Stress, Vitiligo could be the least of your worries.
Works Cited
[1] http://www.news-medical.net/health/What-is-Oxidative-Stress.aspx. News Medical. Date of access 4/22/2011
[2]http://www.spiritindia.com/health-care-news-articles-530.html. Spirit India. Date of access 4/22/2011
[3]http://vitiligocover.com/does-stress-trigger-vitiligo/ Nathalie. 2004-2011. Date of access 4/22/2011
[4]http://www.vitiligosupport.org/faq.cfm Vitiligo Support International 2000-2008. Date of access 4/22/2011
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